My Wireless Network is Annihalated!

Written by Anonymous on 11:42 PM

To put it bluntly, anyway. Spending two hours on the phone with an HP assistant hasn't done much but use up my battery. I'm going on two days without internet and let me say, it ain't fun! Technically speaking, it's taking some of the time away I could be doing work because some of the readings from my class or only just being added online. The only times I'll know about it are when I check my email. And that involves driving to BSB.

The weather's been really finicky this week, but I'd like it if the rest of the month was like today. I've got 18 more days till my birthday so hopefully I can have some fun (and internet) by then. I know that week will be bad (at least three tests) but if I can get a head start on something, anything, then I should avoid stressful situations.

There was some music I wanted to download, some episodes from You are my Destiny, two websites I need to edit,, I really want my laptop to start working again. Wouldn't it be great if I could get a new laptop for my birthday? Now that would be nice.

I'm debating taking a short nap later today since I woke up so early yesterday. I attended a volunteer orientation at a hospital. I'll probably put in two horus a week on Saturday. I still plan on tutoring at Bledsoe and volunteering at another hospital. It sounds like a lot (what am I saying, it is a lot) but if this no-internet situation stretches for any longer, then I'll need something to take my mind off of things.

Since it's the start of February, I should start some of the things I was supposed to start in January. For example, working out! I should, I really should. I have the time to do it without internet (it always comes back to that, doesn't it?). So I should. And I've got notebooks to record my progress. It'll be good for me.

My laptop isn't everything I have, but without it, the rest is meaningless.

Too dramatic? Maybe. True? Pretty much.

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