3 mobile busting out mobile routers for home networking
Written by Anonymous on 2:28 AMSeeing as everyone's been going a bit crazy for the whole wireless USB broadband dongle scene, 3 has decided to up its 'offering' - by adding a home router to its wireless broadband range.
It's all because a few extremely forward-thinking people are using their 3 dongles to totally replace their home broadband connection. So, kindly old 3 wants to make it easier on everyone by releasing a combined router/dongle that'll let us use laptops, PSPs, Nintendo DSs and all our other wi-fi toys in the home, rather than just occasionally firing up the laptop out of sheer boredom on the train via the USB dongle..
3's only floating the idea at the moment, so don't expect to get your hands on anything tangible before the end of the year.
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